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Trudeau Widely Mocked With Dank Memes After Declaring Martial Law Against Peaceful Freedom Convoy

Petty tyrant Trudeau's credibility completely collapsed and is now the laughing stock of Canada.

Trudeau Widely Mocked With Dank Memes After Declaring Martial Law Against Peaceful Freedom Convoy Image Credit: screenshot/Twitter

The internet widely ridiculed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with dank memes after he declared martial law on Monday against the peaceful Freedom Convoy protesters.

Memes flooded social media mocking Trudeau’s invoking totalitarian government measures against the mass anti-vaccine mandate protests, including the ability to seize funds from the supporters’ bank accounts without a court order.

This patriotic Canadian succinctly sums up Trudeau’s predicament following his martial law declaration: “You brought us all together, you fucking idiot!”

Trudeau Declares Himself Dictator!

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