Joe Biden’s miserable presidency finally came to an end Monday. He accomplished little and did a tremendous amount of damage. Anyone who claims the old man was a good leader is full of shit.
Does Biden’s terrible record potentially make him the worst president ever? There’s a good case for it, depending on how you assess it. The worst presidents are usually thought to be James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Warren G. Harding, and now Donald Trump (lol). Johnson and Trump are hated because they stood against the favored policies of liberals and for being “racist.” Harding is considered terrible due to his administration’s corruption and his own incompetence. Buchanan and Pierce are considered the worst for their actions (or lack thereof) that pushed the country to civil war.
Biden’s actions didn’t result in a second civil war or any kind of collapse. The empire is much more stable than the old republic. If failing to prevent such a catastrophe is the standard, then Biden wouldn’t be the worst.
But Biden would be the worst of the modern era–let’s say since LBJ. Lyndon Baines Johnson was one of our most consequential presidents. He oversaw a dramatic expansion of government power, serious changes to the Constitution, and increasing involvement in a messy war. The country was completely different after he left office. LBJ was one of the most skilled politicians in American history. He certainly accomplished a lot–but what he accomplished makes him one of the worst presidents. Creating the Civil Rights regime and signing the 1965 Immigration Act are enough to put one in that category.
If the worst president since LBJ is the standard, Biden makes a strong case. He was by far the least capable and most incompetent president we’ve ever had. He was senile throughout his presidency and barely knew what his own administration was doing. He took many days off because he simply could not function. The fact the government carried on with minimal impact exposed the true nature of the regime. The president can be a literal cadaver and it will keep chugging along. It shattered a myth the public holds about the president
Most presidents since LBJ had some accomplishments. Biden has none. When defending his record for why he should still run for president, all he could manage to offer is getting Finland and Sweden to join NATO. His only domestic “triumph” was getting a mediocre infrastructure bill passed that still hasn’t borne much fruit. Everything else was a disaster.
His chief legacy will be his open borders policy. Over a span of four years, well over 10 million illegal immigrants poured into the country. This was a direct result of Biden. As a candidate, he promised to end Trump’s tough policies and offer a more welcoming approach. He carried out this promise as president, cutting down on deportations and kneecapping enforcement. Record levels of illegal entry followed suit. America now has the highest total of foreign-born residents on record thanks to Joe’s “generosity.” No other president facilitated such an invasion. George W. Bush and Barack Obama both wanted to give amnesty to illegals, but they at least tried to enforce immigration law. Biden dispensed with the pretense.
It wasn’t solely a dereliction of duty. The Biden admin sought ways to increase immigration legally as well. The parole program welcomed hundreds of thousands of would-be illegal migrants. Temporary Protected Status was expanded and extended for hordes of foreigners. The CBP One offered another avenue for would-be illegals to come to the U.S. legally. Refugee and asylum admissions shot up dramatically.
All this effort resulted in America having the largest share of foreign-born residents ever (15.6 percent). Accelerating the Great Replacement more so than any other president makes a strong case for being the worst.
While Biden rolled out the red carpet for illegals, he waged an unprecedented assault on his political enemies. He spearheaded the effort against those involved in J6, witnessing the roundup of some 1500 Americans for the mere offense of walking around the Capitol without permission. His DOJ persecuted his chief political opponent. His admin pressured social media companies to suppress opinions they didn’t like. He even delivered a speech declaring half of the country is an “enemy.”
The “Dark Brandon” speech was an insane moment in our nation’s history. Flanked by Marines and illuminated only by menacing red lights, President Biden denounced “ultra MAGA” Republicans as America’s greatest threat. Yes, his fellow countrymen who liked Trump were the real enemy, not China or cartels. For all their talk of “defending democracy,” this speech seemed awfully anti-democratic.
Biden was also a disaster on the world stage. The Ukraine war and Gaza war happened on his watch. His administration encouraged the Ukraine conflict and wasted billions on killing Eastern Europe’s fighting-age men. Biden demonstrated he had no control over Israel during the Gaza struggle, as the Jewish state continued to defy his requests and refuse any real ceasefire. It took Trump to get a substantial deal. Biden’s one foreign policy accomplishment was removing America from Afghanistan, but its execution was so bad that not even he wanted to take credit for it.
Biden was terrible in other ways as well. His economic policies were, for the most part, idiotic. He increased regulation and initiated other left-wing projects that crippled innovation and growth. He expanded COVID mandates and kept them around much longer than they should’ve been. He increased union power to the detriment of the national interest. He championed DEI and the erasure of American heritage. His appointees denounced the “white supremacist” character of America’s founding.
Biden failed to serve as America’s representative on the world stage. It’s the president’s job to present the best of the country to the globe. Biden was clearly not in control of himself, much less his administration. He could barely make it through teleprompter speeches and he frequently bungled the names of world leaders, most famously confusing Zelensky with Putin. Few leaders respected senile Joe as seemed absent-minded during meetings and offered nothing of value. In terms of doing the job, Biden was a terrible worker.
Biden will soon be forgotten as the media doesn’t want the public to remember how bad it was for America for Democrats to control the White House. It will be further proof he’s the worst president since LBJ. The main thing to remember about Biden is the millions of immigrants he let into the country. He worsened the Great Replacement as a gift to his non-white constituents. Neither George W. Bush nor Barack Obama was as bad.
We’re blessed for Biden’s reign to be over.
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