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First ‘Non-Binary’ SNL Cast Member Goes On Rant In Support Of Trans Kids

Comedy show claims child sex change surgeries are 'health care'

First ‘Non-Binary’ SNL Cast Member Goes On Rant In Support Of Trans Kids Image Credit: snl screenshot

Amid the current nationwide debate about whether children should be given puberty-blocking pharmaceuticals or allowed to undergo gender reassignment surgery, the ultra-liberal sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL) decided to chime in.

Introducing its “first non-binary cast member,” Molly Kearney, SNL decided to allow “them” to go on an all-out political rant against GOP politicians who oppose radical transgender services for minors.

The bit failed its attempt at comedy and instead served as a cringe-worthy propaganda piece pushing sexuality on children.

After all, the “trans” in trans kids stands for “transsexual,” a term that shouldn’t be paired with “kids.”

Beginning the skit, SNL Weekend Update anchor Michael Che told the audience, “Since the start of this year, over 400 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced across the country, many of which target trans youth. Here to talk about it is someone with their own introduction.”

Next, Kearney entered the frame after being lowered down from above while connected to a harness and wires.

The “non-binary” SNL member started their bit by making an anti-GOP politician joke before claiming the Republicans are “restricting health care for trans kids.”

“For some reason, there’s something about the word trans that makes people forget the word kids,” Kearney said. “If you don’t care about trans kids’ lives, it means you don’t care about fricking kids’ lives!”

Later, a load of trans-flag-colored confetti exploded onto the set and Kearney was lifted into the air by the harness.

While suspended in the air, Kearney spoke directly to kids, saying, “Before I go. I want to talk to you. What’s happening, kids, is wrong. And you don’t need to be scared.”

“Our job is to protect you, and your job is to focus on being a kid. It’s kind of like me flying in the SNL sky. There’s a bunch of dudes asking you about your crotch, and controlling when and where you’re allowed to pee. But if you just hang on, you’ll look up and realize, YOU’RE FLYING, KID!”

The blatant propaganda was not well received online with many conservative and libertarian Twitter users slamming the pathetic excuse for humor.

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