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Michigan Secretary of State says Election Winner May Not be Known Until DAY AFTER Election

Questions have also already been raised as to the authenticity of Michigan's election results.

"Republicans have already filed multiple lawsuits against Benson’s office over election administration, including Michigan’s registered voter rolls exceeding the number of voting-age people in the state, and a guidance she issued on how to process ballots with missing or mismatched stubs," Lifesite said on Thursday.

Michigan Secretary of State says Election Winner May Not be Known Until DAY AFTER Election Image Credit: DOMINIC GWINN / Contributor / Getty

Michigan’s Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said on Sunday that the state’s election results may not be known until 24 hours after the polls close.

“We do have more options to process ballots sooner than Election Day, which is where we were restricted in 2020, so I’m optimistic we could see results even sooner,” Benson said on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday. “But I would estimate end of the day on Wednesday as the best guess on how we’ll perform.”

Infowars previously reported on Benson threatening local election officials who refuse to certify the ‘results’ with the long arm of the law. It should be noted that local elections officials are tasked with certifying genuine election results, not fraudulent ones.

“If someone were to violate the law and not certify the election at the local level, we will come for you,” Benson said in August.

Concerns have already been raised about Michigan’s election results.

“With more than a million people having already voted by mail in the Great Lakes State, the secretary’s answer raises concerns as to just how reliable the counting of those votes may be,” Lifesite said on Thursday. “Republicans have already filed multiple lawsuits against Benson’s office over election administration, including Michigan’s registered voter rolls exceeding the number of voting-age people in the state, and a guidance she issued on how to process ballots with missing or mismatched stubs.”

The 2020 election saw massive fraudulent ballot stuffing, particularly in Michigan.

Infowars previously covered statements by Michigan election observers testifying about the fraud they say they witnessed.

Infowars recently reported on a similar, yet more egregious phenomenon in Arizona where Maricopa County (which houses 4.4 million residents and accounts for 62 percent of the state’s population) will likely see election result delays of up to two weeks.

“We do expect that it will take between 10 and 13 days to complete tabulation of all of the ballots that come in, but we ask for the community’s patience,” Deputy Elections Director Jennifer Liewer said on 12News.

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