A proposed piece of legislation in Northern Ireland would grant the government to round up, quarantine, forcibly vaccinate, forcibly examine and monitor people as well as confiscate their property in the event of a future public health order.
The Northern Ireland government is currently running a public consultation for the policy proposal. The 79-page proposal, ‘Policy underpinning the Public Health Bill (Northern Ireland) – A Consultation Document’ lists actions the government would be granted to take against its people in the event of a declared health emergency.
The proposal lists a series of alarming powers the legislation would allow a magistrates’ court to exercise.
Page 47 lists the forced medicalization procedures that the magistrates’ court can subject individuals and groups of individuals to.
Ironically, the bill will not mandate ‘medical treatment’, but specifically exempts vaccination from its definition of ‘medical treatment’. Also, while one section says the proposed legislation will not mandate medical treatment, another section lists forced medical examinations it will allow for.
“Specific provision will be made prohibiting regulations that impose or enable the imposition of a requirement that a person undergoes medical treatment. Medical treatment does not include vaccination and other prophylactic treatment,” paragraph 144 on page 48 of the legislation said.
Paragraph 114 to 115 on page 39 detail the nature of the proposed forced medical examinations. In a sneaky move the bill states that ‘invasive procedures’ must not be conducted, but also states that they may be conducted if deemed necessary. Paragraph 115 exempts certain examinations from the prohibited category of ‘invasive procedures’ all together, effectively green-lighting them, while using language that appears to indicate the opposite.
Paragraph 96 on page 34 states that people’s buildings may be destroyed.
Paragraphs 78 and 79 on page 30 detail how a person or group need not even be infected nor have come into contact with a disease in order to be subjected to the ‘interventions’, as the individual or group of individuals need only have the potential to have contacted the disease.
Paragraph 72 on page 29 said that a person could be forced to do, or forced not to do ANYTHING if it’s deemed necessary for a public health measure, opening the door to even more powers not enumerated in the proposed legislation.
Paragraph 60 and 61 on page 25 list the powers the authorities will have to enter properties, take samples, confiscate property, documents and search electronic devices.
Unbelievable totalitarian health laws proposed for Northern Ireland
— They Keep Saying Its Rare (@mRNAdeaths) October 1, 2024
Mandatory vaccination and confinement included in draconian health bill.https://t.co/hkvB5BetCV pic.twitter.com/CC6gqFVArA
Talkshow host Melissa Ciummei recently discussed this Orwellian proposal with a human rights law firm representative Michael Brentnall.
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