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Putin: West Pushing Russia BEYOND ‘Red Line’

Western outlets and think-tanks mock Russia's red lines due to Russia not yet responding with nuclear force, something Putin continues to warn that he may do.

Putin: West Pushing Russia BEYOND ‘Red Line’ Image Credit: GRIGORY SYSOYEV / Contributor / Getty

On Monday Vladimir Putin stated in a meeting with top Russian Defense Ministry officials that the West is pushing Russia beyond its red line with the recent escalations of using Ukraine to bomb deep inside Russia.

“The tactic is very simple: they push us to ‘a red line’, from which we can not retreat, we start to respond and then they immediately scare their population – in the old days it was with the Soviet threat and now it’s with the Russian threat,” Putin said Monday, according to the Huffington Post.

The Russian President also discussed plans by the U.S. to deploy more advanced missile systems near Russian borders, also stating that some of this deployment is already underway.

“The U.S. activity to create and prepare for the deployment of ground-based high-accuracy strike weapons with a range of up to 5,500 kilometers in forward zones is worrisome,” Putin said Monday according to TASS (the Russian News Agency).

“The essence of what the U.S. is trying to do with regard to Russia is to push it to its red line and then scare the American people with claims of a Russian threat,” TASS (the Russian News Agency) said Monday.

In a hubris-filled article by The Atlantic Council, Russia’s red lines were mocked in flagrant disregard to the risk of world-ending nuclear conflict.

“One last positive point here: Politics is rich with irony, and the U.S. debate on Russian aggression in Ukraine is no exception. The reason for Biden’s timidity was that Putin got into his head with his nuclear threats, even as Ukraine and the West moved past numerous Kremlin ‘red lines’ with no sight of a mushroom cloud on the horizon,” The Atlantic Council said November 18.

Regardless of Western outlets and think tanks flirting with ending the world in a game of ‘poke the bear’, Russia claims it may be forced to respond.

The West has already stepped over previous Russian red lines without yet being nuked, such as invading Russia with Ukraine and allowing Ukraine to strike Russia with long-range missiles.

“The West’s support for Ukraine is pushing Russia to the point where it cannot help but retaliate,” RT said Monday, summarizing Putin’s statements.

On November 19 Ukraine began launching U.S.-made long-range missiles deep into Russia under the approval and guidance of the lame-duck Joe Biden administration, a move that Russia now allows a nuclear retaliation to. These events followed a Russian warning to the West against such actions.

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