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STOP THE STEAL: Democrat Malfeasance Reported At Battleground Polling Stations — Live Updates

Ejecting poll watchers, ballot dumps, delayed counting, and more by Democrats

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STOP THE STEAL: Democrat Malfeasance Reported At Battleground Polling Stations — Live Updates Image Credit: @JordanAckerMI/Twitter

UPDATE: Election Day passed with no clear winner, and with the Democrat-controlled states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, North Carolina, and Nevada still counting, reports of voter malfeasance in some of those states are pouring in.

In Wayne County, Michigan, GOP observers have been ejected from counting rooms.

A woman in Wayne County described discovering a box of 500 ballots from people not listed on voter rolls.

Video out of Detroit also shows windows being covered up at an absentee ballot counting center.

There is video circulating Twitter showing an unidentified person purporting to burn 80 Trump ballots, but the authenticity of the video hasn’t been verified.

In Arizona, reports emerged that many voters ballots were rendered invalid if they used Sharpie markers, but the Secretary of State assured voters their ballots would still be counted if they used Sharpies.

Wisconsin reported an unprecedented turnout of 89.25%, a figure so high it’s practically not believable.

There were reports that ballots for Trump were found under a rock on the side of the road in Glendale, Arizona.

“On Friday afternoon, a worker located a stack of unopened mail-in ballots hidden under a rock located off 99th and Glendale avenues. The individual contacted the Glendale Police Department and responding officers located 18 ballots,” Breaking 911 reported Wednesday.

“According to investigators, the ballots were stolen from individual mailboxes in a neighborhood just south of 107th and Northern avenues (in between Vista Avenue and Kaler Drive). The envelopes were still sealed.”

Meanwhile, Nevada officials had initially stated they would delay counting more votes until Thursday Nov. 5, but the Nevada Secretary of State has walked that back.

“Obviously, there’s a lot of interest in how the vote is going in Nevada and we recognize that,” Deputy Secretary of State for Elections, Wayne Thorley, told 8 News Now. “We will have a fairly large update hopefully later today which again get us even closer to final unofficial election results.”

In North Carolina, officials announced they will “continue to receive mail-in ballots in the coming days” and wouldn’t resume counting votes until local boards meet on Nov. 12 or 13.

The Trump campaign has called a victory in Pennsylvania, but is suing the state over mail-in ballot deadlines.

Election Day is here, which means Democrat shenanigans are reportedly already abound in polling places across America.

For example, voters in Philadelphia are capturing polling places displaying campaign material outside and within the buildings, which is illegal.

A Philadelphia district attorney actually came to investigate and is seen supporting campaign material illegally displayed at polling stations.

Poll watchers are also being denied entry into polling stations.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here’s the poll watcher’s certificate<br><br>It makes clear that it allows the holder to watch at any polling place in the city <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) <a href="">November 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

The Philadelphia GOP reported instances of people submitting multiple mail-in ballots across the state, a claim already being censored by Twitter.

In Bucks County, signs outside polling places show Democrat candidates but blur out Republican candidates.

In New York, voters are reporting broken voting machines with officials telling them their ballots will be “scanned” later.

In Alabama, a voter claimed a polling station was handing out campaign material in the line to vote.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I&#39;m in Alabama about to vote for Trump. Longest line I&#39;ve ever seen in a Presidential election. This is what they&#39;re handing out at the end of the line. Is this legal?<br> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Steve Willis (@Swillisalabama) <a href="">November 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

“All voting machines are down” in Spalding County, Georgia, a county Trump won in 2016 by 24 points.

In Houston, Texas, a city councilman explained on Monday how he was given information proving dead people’s names are being used to vote.

A car crashed into a polling station in Ohio — no one was hurt.

The North Carolina Election Board is suddenly meeting to consider extending poll deadlines at several locations, which would delay election results statewide, according to CNN.

Democrat congressional candidate Gail Young told North Carolina voters Tuesday that if they voted in Harrisburg in the early morning, they were given the wrong ballot and must return to “correct” their vote.

In Nevada, officials told voters in Clark County that “several polling locations” still haven’t opened due to “technical problems.”

Voting machines went down in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

An election worker in Sun City Macdonald Ranch, Nevada, told voters that they’re having “technical difficulties” in several polling locations, but the problem has reportedly been resolved.

A voter shared a tip with Infowars claiming the line to the polling station in Ozark, Missouri, hasn’t moved for hours because of “malfunctioning” voting machines.

The Philadelphia GOP tweeted a photo of an “unidentified civilian” carting away an official ballot box to a vehicle.

Trump campaign advisor Steve Cortes explained the ongoing election interference by officials in Pennsylvania.

James O’Keefe strikes again! This time Texas authorities are taking notice and may prosecute those he was able to expose for committing voter fraud.

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